Saturday, October 7, 2023

Why does it all go wrong?

In the silent depths of endless plight,
Each effort made, fades into night.
A weary soul, with dreams forlorn,
Wonders why it's the wrong path it's drawn.

Every endeavor, an echo of defeat,
As if success and it never meet.
A symphony of failure, a desolate song,
Leaving a spirit broken, longing for strong.

A dance with shadows, a hopeless trance,
In the realm of missteps, where dreams enhance.
Questions linger, heavy and strong,
Why does everything I try go so wrong?

A tapestry woven with threads of despair,
Each strand a reminder of the burdens to bear.
Through the fog of anguish, it's hard to see,
A glimmer of hope, a chance to be free.

In this defeated melody, a heartache's song,
Seek solace within the shadows, no matter how long.
For within the echoes of what's gone awry,
May emerge the strength to once again try.

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