Sunday, September 29, 2024

Body and Soul

When you're with me, let the world retire,
Let clocks halt their ticking, quenched of desire.
Step into the moment where only we reside,
In the quietude of us, let our hearts confide.

Shed the weight of worries, leave them at the door,
Let your spirit venture where it hasn't been before.
Let your laughter be unbridled, your tears unrestrained,
In the sanctuary of trust that we have ordained.

Let our fingers interlace like verses in a rhyme,
Weaving through the tapestry of ever-ending time.
Let your gaze meet mine in unspoken dialogue,
Eyes narrating stories that lips could never log.

When you're with me, be present, be whole,
Not a fragment of your being, but the essence of your soul.
Let every whispered word and every silent sigh
Be threads that bind us closer, as days and nights go by.

Let's wander past the surface, to depths profound and true,
Exploring hidden landscapes that only we can view.
In the fusion of our energies, let's find ourselves anew,
When you're with me, be with me—as only lovers do.

So come to me completely, with all your heart unveiled,
In the honesty of moments where nothing is concealed.
For in this shared existence, we lose and find control,
When you're with me, be with me—utterly and completely, body and soul.

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