Monday, October 2, 2023

Lost in the Shadows of Desolation

 In shadows cast by fleeting dreams, I tread,

Through endless nights where loneliness does  spread,

The weight of hopelessness upon my chest,

In search of purpose, I am but a guest.

With resumes, like fragile leaves, I roam,

Through barren fields where opportunities loam,

A desert vast, my spirit worn and torn,

I wander aimlessly, forlorn and worn.

No compass guides this lost and weary soul,

No North Star shines to make my broken heart whole,

In this abyss of doubt and deep despair,

I long for meaning, but it's just not there.

Each rejection, a dagger in my side,

I've tried to find a place where I can hide,

From judgment's gaze, from whispers of defeat,

But still, my journey's path remains unclear, incomplete.

In the mirror, a stranger's face I see,

A reflection of what once was, but no longer me,

The world spins on, while I stand still,

Loneliness and aimlessness, my bitter pill.

Oh, how I ache for purpose to be found,

To rise above this desolation, unbound,

But in this solitude, I silently reside,

A lost soul adrift, in the ebbing tide.

So let my tears be ink, my sorrow, rhyme,

A lament for days lost, for fleeting time,

In the darkness of my soul, I'll seek a spark,

To guide me from this lonely, aimless, dark.

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