Sunday, September 29, 2024

Body and Soul

When you're with me, let the world retire,
Let clocks halt their ticking, quenched of desire.
Step into the moment where only we reside,
In the quietude of us, let our hearts confide.

Shed the weight of worries, leave them at the door,
Let your spirit venture where it hasn't been before.
Let your laughter be unbridled, your tears unrestrained,
In the sanctuary of trust that we have ordained.

Let our fingers interlace like verses in a rhyme,
Weaving through the tapestry of ever-ending time.
Let your gaze meet mine in unspoken dialogue,
Eyes narrating stories that lips could never log.

When you're with me, be present, be whole,
Not a fragment of your being, but the essence of your soul.
Let every whispered word and every silent sigh
Be threads that bind us closer, as days and nights go by.

Let's wander past the surface, to depths profound and true,
Exploring hidden landscapes that only we can view.
In the fusion of our energies, let's find ourselves anew,
When you're with me, be with me—as only lovers do.

So come to me completely, with all your heart unveiled,
In the honesty of moments where nothing is concealed.
For in this shared existence, we lose and find control,
When you're with me, be with me—utterly and completely, body and soul.

Saturday, August 3, 2024


To ask if I miss her  
Would be like asking the stars if they miss the night,  
Or the Sun if it missed its warmth.  
It's like asking the ocean if it yearns for the rivers that give it life.  
I’ve seen the most beautiful flowers, but they all share the same fragrance.  
I’ve visited the world’s most stunning places,  
But the wind blows the same wherever I go.  

Only in your presence does the wind carry a fragrance unknown,  
A scent whispered only to the flowers when you are near,  
A beauty untold in any other place.  

In every fleeting sunset, where the sky is ablaze with color,  
I search for the warmth that only your gaze can give.  
In the rustling of leaves, the quiet murmur of the earth,  
I listen for the echoes of your laughter,  
That once filled the void in my heart with light.  

I would recognize you in the deepest darkness,  
Where you are mute and I am deaf,  
I would find you in another lifetime,  
In different bodies, in different times.  
And I would love you through it all,  
Until the very last star in the sky fades into oblivion.  

They asked, "Do you love her to death?"  
I said, "Speak her name over my grave,  
And watch how she brings me back to life."  

For in every life, every breath I take,  
Your essence lingers, entwined with mine.  
In dreams, I walk with you along paths untraveled,  
Through gardens that bloom only in the night,  
Where the moonlight casts our shadows,  
Dancing together, as if the universe itself conspired to reunite us.  

Even the stars envy us, they who have witnessed eons,  
Yet never have known a love like ours,  
A love that transcends the boundaries of time and space,  
That weaves through the fabric of existence, unbroken and eternal.  

When the final day dawns, and the world crumbles to dust,  
I will find you, even if all that remains are echoes,  
Echoes of your voice, your touch, your presence,  
Resonating through the corridors of time,  
For our love, our bond, is the heartbeat of the cosmos,  
A rhythm that never fades, never ceases.  

So, do I miss her?  
She is not just missed; she is a part of me,  
An indelible mark on my soul,  
Her absence is felt in every heartbeat,  
In every breath, in every thought.  
Yet she is also here, always here,  
In every star that lights the night,  
In every breeze that caresses my face.  

And I would love her, again and again,  
Through every dawn and every dusk,  
Until the very last star in the sky burns out,  
And the universe itself folds into nothingness.  

For even then, in the void,  
In the silence of the end,  
I will find her,  
And we will begin again! 

Thursday, June 20, 2024


In the realm where stars align,
Two hearts met, divine by design.
An Aquarius, cool and wise,
With depths as vast as the midnight skies.

A Libra, grace in her sway,
Balancing night and the light of day.
Her eyes, a mirror to the moon,
Her smile, a sunlit afternoon.

Beneath the constellations bright,
They found their love in the still of night.
A futuristic landscape, neon gleam,
Yet their love, an ageless dream.

He held a pitcher, water’s flow,
A symbol of life’s eternal glow.
She with scales, golden, gleaming,
Balance in the world of dreaming.

Hand in hand, they walked the stars,
No distance too great, no love too far.
In their eyes, the past’s sweet kiss,
In their hearts, a timeless bliss.

Their love, a tale of cosmic art,
Written in the constellations’ chart.
With every touch, a story told,
Of love that never grows old.

Oh, how the future sings their tune,
In the glow of a holographic moon.
Aquarius and Libra, forever true,
A love as vast as the sky's blue hue.

Wednesday, February 7, 2024

Nothing Else Matters

I didn't love you because I was lonely, far from it
I was at peace in my own world, wrapped in the comfort of solitude
But then you appeared, a bright shooting star across the night sky
Your presence was more than just a spark, it was a blaze that lit up my entire existence

You made me open my eyes again to see the world in vivid color 
To feel life pulsing around me
With you every day is a revelation, a journey into a world I never knew existed
Losing you would be unimaginable, like being plunged back into darkness
It would leave a void so profound I doubt I could ever find my way back

Before you my life felt like a distant memory, a chapter from another book
Nothing else matters as long as I'm with you
You are my soulmate, my partner, my best friend
You fill my heart with joy and love
You inspire me to be a better person
You challenge me to grow and learn
You support me through thick and thin
You are my everything, my reason for living

Tuesday, February 6, 2024


I remember when your name was just another name that rolled without thought off my tongue. Now, I can't look at your name without an abundance of sentiment attached to each letter.
Your name, which I played with so carelessly, so
easily, has somehow become sacred to my lips, a
name I won't throw around light heartedly or repeat without deep thought.

And if ever I speak of you, I use the English
language to describe who you were to me.
You are nameless, because those letters grouped
together in that familiar form carries too much
meaning for my capricious heart.

I remember when your voice was just another sound that filled my ears with no special significance. Now, I can't hear your voice without a surge of emotion that stirs my soul. 
Your voice, which I listened to so casually, so indifferently, has somehow become music to my ears, a voice I won't ignore or forget even when you're not around.

And if ever I hear you, I use the English language to understand what you say to me.
You are voiceless, because those words spoken
in that familiar tone holds too much power over my restless mind.

I remember when your face was just another face that blended in the crowd with no particular charm. Now, I can't see your face without a flash of memory that warms my heart.
Your face, which I glanced at so briefly, so
unconsciously, has somehow become a vision to my eyes, a face I won't overlook or erase even when you're far away.

And if ever I see you, I use the English language to recognize who you are to me.
You are faceless, because those features arranged in that familiar shape bears too much
beauty for my longing eyes.

Friday, February 2, 2024

Facing Fear

A river quivers with fear as it approaches the sea. It glances back at the path it has followed, from the high mountain peaks, the meandering road across forests and villages, and ahead of it it sees a huge and boundless ocean that appears to devour everything in its path. But there is no other way. The river has no choice but to go forward, as does everyone else. To go back is to negate one's being. The river has to brave the challenge of entering the ocean, because that is the only way to conquer its fear. For that is where the river will discover it is not vanishing into the ocean, but becoming part of it.